
Tyson & Caear     Anubis' sons
at age 6 months.

The only two fawns in the 2008 litter.

Hey Paul I was reading your web site and its very interesting for sure.
Tyson is already 97 pds (at age just 6.5 months) and is growing well he is a beauty.  He is all potty trained and loves his treats. 
We were wondering about your next litter, we were thinking about getting Tyson a brother.  I would only consider your breed due to the  great process we had with you. Would we have a problem getting another male? We were looking for an all black one or a brindle. When would the puppy be ready? 

Jennie-David Reddick
Dec. 08
A copy of the email is posted on the right.
Now remember that Tyson is just a 25 weeks pup in all the preceding pictures.
and by-the-way, this is the couple I referred to who flew to the States to pick up a puppy they purchased on line from an American breeder and they were shocked in disappointment. The pup was in such a bad shape his ribs looked like something you would see in a TV commercial about terribly starving children .. and he was very small and so weak he could hardly move. She took him directly to a vet in the same city in the States and the vet couldn't even confirm it was a Dane!!!  She had to call the police to get the breeder to give her back her money, and searching the web, she ran into our site and called me from the States. She is a Canadian who lives here in Canada. 
And here we have a photo of Caesar. The only photo we have of him. He is about 4 months in this pic. In the email we received,  we were informed that Caesar, at 8 months, is 115 lb and about 32 inches at the shoulders.
Note the beautiful head structure which may not show or stand out and shine here as much as it would have been in a pic of caesar with perfectly erected cropped ears. Still, you can see why his grand-father had the TV commercial caption: "ahead above the rest".
and here are the most recent photos of Tyson at age 10 & 11 months old.
Photo page